Archive for the ‘Lovely Idol’ Category


Lovely Idol – The End

May 28, 2007

It still hurts

After that performance I felt like crying, too. Strangely enough I somehow enjoyed this show and even looked forward to each episode.

Sometimes I’m amazed by myself.


Lovely Idol 06

January 2, 2007

You mean somebody is really watching this crap?!?

Maybe something happened to me over new year, but I found most of the sixth episode from Lovely Idol quite entertaining. This concerns me, because, well, this series just sucks. Badly. At first I thought it might deliver (light) criticism about the whole idol-industry, now it’s just one of these series I continue watching without knowing why and with no hope for anything good coming from it. But at least it doesn’t sucks up much (approx. zero) brain capacity. This episode was a nice surprise, probably because this time the story was mediocre funny after all, the girls had some screentime to distinguish themselves, the artwork was nice to watch and some of the animations where unreckoned fluid. Next time they’ll all have to worry about their becoming-a-group again, so I think it will be as sucky as before, but maybe it can surprise me again.

As a side note and not less concerning: I even begin to find some liking in the OP and ED.