Archive for the ‘Elfen Lied’ Category


4 weeks later

December 21, 2008


Here are the final 8 cards , of course GAINAX also got a group on its own in the end, the last 4 cards are again a mixture of different studios, but this time they match a bit better theme-wise I think. This  completes the set of 32 cards and my work on them, which was a lot more than I first thought it would be, but it was at least as much fun, too.
For example while putting these cards together I sometimes had to search through my long ago saved video files which was quite entertaining on its own. Here seeing that my 6 year old CD with the Gunbuster files was still working fine today gave me a especial pleasing surprise, and watching the 320 x 240 pixel video with 15 pictures per second made me really happy for living those 6 years later now.

So, here are the links to the cards. I also added a set of card backsides if somebody really wants to print out these cards. As always I hope you have fun with them!

gif-version (about 0.6 mb)

jpg-version (about 4.7 mb)

and for the card’s backsides:

jpg-version (quite strangely about 9 mb)


My Wallpapers 26

May 10, 2007

Elfen Lied

At the time I watched the first episode and saw the strange combination of splatter and cuteness I thought that this is just too sick and that I should drop it asap. I’m still mostly right about the sick part I think, but that didn’t hinder Elfen Lied to become quite a great series and watching it was highly entertaining for me.

P.S.: If you like the artwork of the intro check my post about its origin I made some time ago.


It’s the Arts

October 1, 2006

Behind blue eyes
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I spend the last week in Vienna (Austria) and was (besides much sightseeing) able to see the famous “Der Kuss” (The Kiss) of the Austrain artist Gustav Klimt. It somehow awaked the urge in me to compare his original work with the artwork displayed in the intro and outro of Elfen Lied which is inspired by his painting (as most of you already know I’m sure). Well, this idea is not new and Elfen Lied has aired a long time ago, but what the heck. Shall we start?

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