Archive for the ‘Hitohira’ Category


Hayate no Gotoku! & Hitohira

April 6, 2007

Well, the new anime season has finally caught me. So here are the two first episodes I’ve watched and some quick thoughts.

Hayate no Gotoku!

Hayate no Gotoku!

Very much nonsense so far, but I like it. Hopefully they can keep it varied and interesting, because this kind of comedy (especially breaking the fourth wall) has the risk to become pretty dull after short time. The character design looks good, the ED has lots more female characters waiting to be shown and the way the artwork is presented gives me much stuff to work with. Altogether this series reminds me a lot of Zero no Tsukaima, so I’ll definitely give the next episodes a chance.



A rather calm series I think, but I don’t yet know in which direction it is heading. The characters are mostly likeable and I can sympathize quite well with the main character, although I can’t follow her (forced) decision to join the drama (research) club (and I find drama clubs in animes pretty suspicious, at the latest since Tokimeki Memorial).